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Does she want a maternity photoshoot?

Ashley at 35 weeks Image © Lemon Sky Photography 2015

Hello gentlemen, Lauren here. I'm going to let you in on a little secret - what women want more than chocolates and perfume is a way to document and treasure their journey in life. And what bigger journey than having a baby!

She's the "memory keeper" of your household, snapping every photo she can with her phone and arranging pretty photo albums in her spare time or agonising over which images to frame and hang on the wall. Perhaps she has hinted on more than one occasion she'd love a professional photo session to capture those precious images of your little baby when they arrive.

5 Ways To Tell She Secretly Wants A Maternity Photoshoot:

Sign #1: She treasures the beauty in life and wants her home to radiate the love of her family. With dreams of the perfect nursery filling her pinterest boards, she wishes there were more hours in the day to decorate and arrange your home environment. You may find her balanced precariously on a chair trying to fit a new light-shade, or at the weekend, frantically trying to make that old chest of drawers "shabby chic - because I want this house to look perfect before our baby arrives!" Sign #2: She takes "selfies" of her bump in the mirror, measuring her progress and counting down the days until baby arrives with cute little phone aps... in fact, it's hard for her to talk or think about anything else right now. Sign #3: Even though she's excited for the birth of your baby, she is nervous too. She asks herself a thousand "what-ifs" every day and finds it hard to talk or think about anything else other than her pregnancy. She is often in bed awake at night, googling labour and birth and wishes there were more scans in pregnancy, just so she could know everything is ok.

Sign #4: She worries her bump is making her look less attractive to you. She uses terms like "when I get my body back" or "I just feel so uncomfortable right now". She doesn't know what to wear and feels more vulnerable than she's ever felt in her life. She cries a lot more easily now-a-days, which you're not used to! Sign #5: Ok, this is more about you than is is her ;-) You want to find a way to show her how beautiful she is. Right now. You want her to see herself through your eyes. You want her to know how immensely proud you are of her for carrying your child. You want her to know that you get scared sometimes too, but you can't show it as you're the strong one right now. You want to give her something extra special this Christmas.

At Lemon Sky, I'll make her feel absolutely beautiful with her bump. She may say she feels self consious or fret about having a session (believe me all women do, including myself!). But when she sees how beautiful she looks with her bump her confidence will be restored and she will have a gorgeous lasting memory of carrying your baby to treasure forever! A mother myself, I know how she feels. Our maternity photo sessions are tailored to our individual clients and she will be posed and lit in a way to flatter her and bring out the total beauty of her pregnancy in a relaxing, fine art portrait session. Why not join in and let me take photographs of the two of you together? She'd love that. Booking our "Bump To Baby" package is perfect, as this also includes a Newborn Photo session when baby arrives! The two sessions are styled together, meaning she will have enough images to fill an album, decorate your walls and print out gifts for the proud grandparents if she so wishes.

Marie at 36 weeks Image © Lemon Sky Photography 2015 To find out more about buying her a Lemon Sky Photoshoot voucher for Christmas, just click here and fill out your name and due date. We will then be in contact with everything you need to know about booking in with us.

Marietta at 31 weeks Image © Lemon Sky Photography 2015

Good luck with everything and congratulations! Lauren

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