A complete guide to parenting forum slang (Can you tell your DS from you DD?)
If you are a member of a parenting forum online or on facebook, you will regularly come across terms such as "DD" "DS" or "TMI" - but what does it all mean?

"Sorry for tmi post. My dd & ds were both cs and ff. My dh and I are ttc and I'd love to try for a vbac this time and to bf afterwards... does anyone know if it's possible to bf after 2 ff los and a cs? tia"
If posts such as this leave you scratching your head, then you're not alone! I have created and admined several baby groups on facebook over the past 4 years and often get private messages from confused mum-members asking what on earth do BF, FF or TTC mean!
Photo: FIONN by Lemon Sky Photography 2015
There are literally hundreds of abbreviations and acronyms out there, and they vary in meaning from country to country! But I have put together a list of the most commonly used slang terms in the UK:
AP: attachment parenting
BM: breastmilk
BF: breastfeeding
BLW: baby lead weaning
CS: caesarian
DS: dear son
DD: dear daughter DH: dear husband
DF: dear fiancée
EDD: estimated date of delivery (your due date)
EBM: expressed breast milk
FF: formula feeding
FTM: first time mum
FYI: for your information
IYSWIM: if you see what I mean
IMO: in my opinion
LO: little one (your child)
LOL: laughing out loud
OMG: oh my god
O'd: ovulated
PG: pregnant
SO: significant other (your partner)
TMI: too much information
WAHM: work from home mum
SAHM: stay at home mum / full time mummy
OP: original poster
So - Is it useful to know parenting jargon when it comes to forums, or would you rather everyone just spoke in plain English! Let us know what you think!
Lauren x